Sunday, August 9, 2009

Rain Delays...

We woke up on day second morning in Atlantic City to drizzle. It was overcast and miserable outside. We listened to the weather forecast on the VHF radio to see what the day had in store for us. The seas were fairly calm, and the forecast held a lot of rain, but no thunderstorms. We really didn't want to lose another day in Atlantic City, so we decided to head out to sea and see how it was.

Well, after an hour out in the rainy, dreary, rolling seas we decided it was best to head back in. Our moods were as grey as the sky, and I was really not looking forward to a 12-14 hour sail with a cockpit too wet for Henry to play in. We would have been stuck below, which would have made me quite sea sick, for the entire day.

Instead of returning to the dock, we headed for an anchorage we had been told about the day before. When we got there we really wished we had known about it when we first arrived in Atlantic City. It was sheltered and peaceful. A little oasis of nature amongst the hustle and bustle of the city.

We enjoyed the rest of the wet day inside the cabin, watching TV, napping, playing with Henry, and resting up for the big sail ahead.

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